quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2008

"Only words"

Only Words

Only words written on paper, written
from the very soul, a heart speaking
from life, and it's days lived to the

Some are written from the love they
feel, some from the hurt, some
disappointed, discouraged, some
willing to give, some not so willing..

As we live we learn , we write, we
dance, we sing, till it is our time to go
home, some refusing, some wanting
just to end the misery..

Writing words come easy to some,
not so easy to others, yet all words
written, come from the very soul, they
are our blueprints once lived, some
just starting out, making there own
prints in the sand..

Life is funny that way, it catches each
moment, locking it in the vault, opening
it when the key is turned..

Words written, releasing what hurts, what
you been hiding, what joy, what sadness
without a word spoken. maybe just a tear
what use to be..

Capturing each thought, releasing how
you feel from time to time, it is a outlet,
important for thoughts to catch a peak
at the heart, then the soul..

Only words, but what words do flow, the
facet drips, than it pours out freshness
hidden in the soul, so let it pour as freely
as it makes you calm, collecting thoughts
in each word written from within...

By Derena

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